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Logo Desa Nelelamadike
Desa Nelelamadike

Kec. Ile Boleng, Kab. Flores Timur, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

Selamat datang di Website Desa Nelelamadike,  Kecamatan Ile Boleng Kabupaten Flores Timur Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Semoga media informasi dan komunikasi ini dapat bermanfaat untuk kemajuan desa.  Mari kerja bersama demi kemajuan desa, dalam bingkai Desa Membangun-Kota Menata untuk Nelelamadike yang lebih baik.

Kepala Desa Nelelamadike dan Transformasi Desa Nelelamadike menjadi Desa KTT

Administrator 15 September 2019 Dibaca 916 Kali
Kepala Desa Nelelamadike dan Transformasi Desa Nelelamadike menjadi Desa KTT

This is the village head of Desa Nelelamadike, IDN-VIC's adopted village. She is standing at the front of her house in the harsh rocky dry environment of her village.

She is holding the kelor plant, a plant with a long list of health benefits, including for new mothers (…/). Importantly, it flourishes in their dry climate.

Ibu Theresia Tuto Pati will promote the planting of the kelor plant in the front yards of the whole village, starting with her own. So that the village can become known as Desa KTT (Kelor, Tenun, Titi) designating the three products/features that the village will become renowned for.

We look forward to seeing photos of the front yards of Desa NL over the next 3-6 months and hope to see a green transformation ( the rainy season will help  ).


Oleh : Eddie Ridwan